Sentiment is a tool to help businesses understand their customers and the service they are providing to them. It's a crucial tool for any business to have as it helps them identify when to take action and when they can relax.

Our Affiliate program is designed to help us grow by allowing us to reach clients we would otherwise not reach. 

Affiliates get a personalised link that they can use to send businesses to us. If the business then signs up for a 30-day free trial they are tagged as coming from the affiliate. If they then go further and take out a subscription we give 20% of the monthly subscription fee to the affiliate - every month for 10 years.

That's right, one sale can generate revenue for a decade. 

The best part is that you are not only helping the businesses but you are under no commitment to send clients. You can simply talk to a handful of business owners you know well or you can make a concerted effort to go and sign up large numbers. The choice is yours.