It's takes just minutes to get your account and start using Sentiment. 

Accounts are per tracked location. I'm trying to come up with a better term but essentially what it means is that each account can be used on as many devices as you need but the data is all compiled together. So you would for instance have a unique account for each premises, for areas of your business (such as bar, restaurant, toilet etc.). Other examples where you might want to have individual accounts are per employee or route (coaches).

Creating the Account

First go to

We need to ask about 5 questions to get the account running.

Once this is complete you will receive an email with your own unique link to that tracking area. You must always access the app through this link if you want the results to be registered.

To use the service simply go to the browser on a tablet or phone and enter the URL. 

We recommend that you save the page to the home screen both to make it convenient to open when needed but also because this removes the browser address bar and other chrome as we explain here.

Whenever you want to track customer sentiment you simply place the phone or tablet where necessary.