According to research by Oracle 60% of businesses think they provide good customer service, but only 20% of their customers agree.
This, I think you'll agree, is not a great ratio.
It means most businesses are spending their energies on areas that the customers don't care about, and neglecting those that are important. It happens because owners and managers don't have an easy way to gauge customer sentiment. As a result they rely on gut feeling and complaints to tell them where to focus.
Unfortunately complaints come from a tiny minority. In fact only 1 in 26 customers who have a bad experience typically complain. Relying on these can only be described as management by crank.
Detailed surveys won't work because most people wont take the time to respond. Once again you're left with a tiny, self-selecting minority telling you what to work on. And, as we've seen, this is not usually what the rest of your customers care about.
The answer? Make it easy for the rest of your customers to give their opinion.
That's what Sentiment does.
By allowing customers to give their opinion with one click we remove friction. There's no effort required and because it's anonymous, there's no embarrassment.
This increases the response rate.
Of course Sentiment only captures how the customers feel, not the detail of why they feel that way. But when you get this from the 95% of customers who you otherwise would never hear from, it makes a huge difference.
With this information you can identify if you're focusing on what matters. If you are, great. If not you can take action and dig deeper.